
What Happens When Gutters Aren’t Maintained?

Gutters are channels added to the perimeter of your home’s roof to carry water and any environmental debris to a safe drainage area, away from the home and its foundation. If you don’t maintain your gutters they might fall apart themselves, but that damage can be easier repaired than the damage it can cause to your home. Here are the most common threats posed by under-maintained gutters.

Damage To The Foundation

If gutters aren’t cleaned out, they can build up with debris and overflow in places. The water and moisture build-up will flow onto the roof, down the home, and eventually to the basement and foundation of the home since it is not being directed away from the house. If too much moisture sits near the foundation of the home, the surrounding ground can become soft, and the foundation can form cracks. Even worse, if cold weather ensues the water can freeze and cause the structure to contract and expand, causing cracks.

Damage To The Basement

If water is sitting near the foundation of the home over a long period of time, it inevitably will seep directly into the basement walls themselves. The moisture is hard to get rid of and will cause unpleasant odors and mold. In more severe cases the water can cause flooding and permanent damage.

Damage To The Roof

Overflowing gutters is the worst problem to have when winter is coming. It causes ice and snow to sit on the home, rather than falling or melting off of it. The additional weight and moisture on the roof can cause holes and penetrate the attic, ceilings, and walls.

Insect Infestation

The ideal home for an insect is in moist places where organic debris is rotting. The gutters are a great home for many critters to eat and nest. If winter is coming, the warmth of the home will be attractive and they will move inside. Termites and carpenter ants are some of the biggest potential threats.

How And When To Clean Your Gutters?

Just as you’d inspect your roof once a month and after storms, you should check your gutters at the same time to look for obstruction of the drainage. Clean out any debris you can and then take a hose to the inside to remove as much dirt as possible. If you are physically unable to perform the task or don’t have the supplies to do it, you can call your local roofers for gutter servicing.

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