
Chimney Care You Should Know About

This article mainly highlights the chimney products and services you should know about to care properly for your chimney during its lifetime. Whether you are in the process of deciding whether to maintain, restore, or remove your chimney, first consider how easily you can keep this charming feature in your home.

Schedule a Chimney Inspection With Your Trusted Local Roofer

Your locally trusted roofer is going to be the professional service you will want to be acquainted with to inspect your chimney at least once. Because the chimney often runs vertically through the entire home, it can be a source of lots of problems including animal and insect infestation, as well as water damage. A chimney that acts as an invitation for both can quickly cause costly damage to the home, so don’t put off scheduling an inspection and acting on any problems that arise quickly. You will want to build this relationship in person and have their number on hand for future reference anyway.

Maximize Your Home’s Protection With These Two Products

Provided your roof is in good condition already, without repair needs, there are two products that will improve the longevity of your chimney, roof, and home’s foundation. The first is what is known as “crown coating” which is a water-proof lining that discourages water damage to the brick of the chimney structure, as well as water damage surrounding the chimney. After the coating has been installed, find a good “rain cap” as a topper for the chimney. This is often a metal roof for the chimney that ventilates by mesh, but keeps out unwanted rain and sometimes more important, animals.

Wildlife Protection Laws and Extermination Services

Speaking of animals, if you find you have an infestation of your chimney, you’ll want to know these two entities. Birds and animals might be protected by law in your city or state, so before you act on finding these creatures dwelling in your home you want to find out if you are even allowed to act without special handling. Some birds, even invasive ones, are protected due to their endangerment status or cultural importance. The Wildlife Agency can assist you with information and the removal of such creatures. If you are dealing with a common insect critter infestation, an exterminator can help you with their experience and expertise.

Save Money On Your Energy Bills with An Aerator For Your Chimney

An aerator is another helpful product, our favorite kind, the kind that saves you money on your energy bills. Because traditional fireplaces and chimneys are fueled by the air in the home, you are wasting precious energy on heated or cooled air on this exchange. An aerator is a product that allows the chimney to instead, use the air from outside your home to fuel its fire. Your local roofer can also offer you additional information and recommendations on this product type.

If after reading this and doing adequate research, you decide that removing your fireplace and chimney is a better modification than keeping it, your local roofer can help you carry out this process as well. There are many reasons to remove a chimney including removing the maintenance tasks, the uncleanliness soot can cause, and the opening up of new space in the home due to the removal of the vertical system currently taking up space. This decision largely depends on your preference if you plan to live in the home for a number of years. If you decide to keep it, however, protect that investment by employing the options talked about in this article.

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