Roof Leak: A Costly Repair

There’s one area of a home that even the savviest of homeowners can easily overlook or ignore! The roof! With kitchens to remodel, bedrooms to paint and landscaping to maintain, we put roof repairs on the back burner. We commit to other improvement projects perceived to be more appealing and less expensive. Often, homeowners aren’t […]
5 Steps To Keep Critters Away From Your Roof And Protect Your Home

Efficient Procedure For Controlling Critters From Living On Your Roof Everyone including animals deserves a good place to stay during the winter season. Even small animals such as rodents, bats, birds, and squirrels search for shelter during unfavorable weather conditions. Your upper roof could be the shelter they want to use. However, these small creatures […]
4 Exterior Home Improvements To Consider For Selling Your Home
Upgrade/repair the Roof and Improve the Home’s Exterior The exterior of the home is the first impression you will give to potential buyers. When you clean a home, you clean it from top to bottom and when you improve your exterior, you do the same. The roof is going to draw the eye first, especially […]
Recover From The Damage Caused By Hail Storms
Remain Safe in the Hail Storm Hail may occur during any strong storm; That is, hail represents a threat everywhere. When hail falls, roof coatings can be destroyed and water can damage ceilings, walls, floors, appliances, and your personal possessions. Knowing what ceiling coatings offer good impact resistance can save you money and trouble. Know […]